Christopher L. Alexander, PhD
Assistant Professor | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univeristy of South Florida | 2018 - Present
Affiliate Faculty Member | DEpartment of Chemical, Biomedical, and Materials Engineering | 2022 - Present
Postdoctoral Researcher | Materials Reliability Center, Sandia National Laboratories | 2017 - 2018

Stanley Agbakansi
Doctoral Candidate - Mechanical Engineering
I hold a BS and MS in metallurgy and materials engineering from the university of Lagos Nigeria. I also hold a second master's in mechanical engineering from the University of South Florida which I completed in 2019. Currently I am a PhD student and work as a research assistant (RA) at the corrosion engineering laboratory. My research area focuses on ductile iron force main failure and their service life estimation.

David Dukeman
Doctoral Student - Civil Engineering
In progress...

Prakirti Singh
Doctoral Student - Chemical Engineering
In progress...

Wesley Vitor Dantas de Carvalho Bezerra
Doctoral Student - Civil Engineering
I graduated from the Federal University of Paraiba (Brazil) with a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Civil Engineering. My master’s thesis was about chloride induced corrosion of galvanized steel in reinforced concrete. I am currently a PhD student at the Corrosion Research Laboratory –University of South Florida, and my focus is on modeling the corrosion of stainless-steel reinforcement. I am also interested in the durability of cementitious materials, microstructural characterization, and sustainable concrete.

Maria Cardoso
Masters Student - Environmental Engineering
I am currently working on the Stainless-Steel Project which aims to quantify the duration of the propagation stage of stainless-steel reinforcement. I have been a part of the USF Corrosion Research Laboratory since October 2019 and look forward to continue being a part of such an amazing team of individuals as I pursue my Master’s program in Environmental Engineering in Fall 2021.

Amin Kazem Ghamsari
Masters Student - Civil Engineering
I received my B.Sc. in Mining and Minerals Engineering from the University of Tehran. I am interested in electrometallurgy, corrosion, and hydrometallurgy. The project on which I am working currently concerns evaluation of a novel anodizing method with regard to corrosion and abrasion resistance of the end product.

Samuel Kavon Coleman
Masters Student - Materials Science and Engineering
I graduated from Tennessee State University with a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in 2019. Currently, I am completing a Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a concentration in Structures. My research area is how corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement affect mechanical properties of steel.

Sarita Ale-Magar
Masters Student - Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Researchers
Enrique Hernandez-Jurado, Mechanical Engineering
Ann Jager, Mechanical Engineering
Kiera Matheny, Civil Engineering

Justin Silnutzer
MS Materials Science and Engineering 2022
Thesis: Impedance analysis of anodized aluminum and structural bridge tendons.

Dr. Farzaneh Nosouhian
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current position: Assistant Professor Texas AM Corpus Cristi

Carolina Paez
MS Civil Engineering 2020
Thesis: Corrosion Durability Service Life of Calcium Silicate-Based Reinforced Concrete
Current position: Zero waste analysts Cascadia Consulting Group
Nelly Sofia Orozco Martinez
MS Civil Engineering 2020
Thesis: Corrosion Propagation of Stainless Steel Reinforced Concrete
Current position: Bridge EIT HDR

Dr. Mahmood Aliofkhazraei
Postdoctoral Researcher
Former Undergraduate Researchers
Ishanka Indran, Mechanical Engineering
Jonas Fernandes, Mechanical Engineering
Moiz Khozema, Civil Engineering
Ammar Adnan, Civil Engineering
Thu Nyugen, Chemical Engineering
Sebastian Paez, Civil Engineering
Giancarlo Figueroa Garcia, Civil Engineering
Sachintha, Civil Engineering
Maria Cardoso, Chemical Engineering
Justin Silnutzer, Chemical Engineering
Nelly Orozco Martinez, Civil Engineering
Carolina Paez Jimenez, Civil Engineering